
名称 「富弘美術館を囲む会」ロサンゼルス支部
Tomihiro Museum Association of L.A.

会の組織 非営利団体- Non Profit Organization として登録し州政府より正式に認可されています。

会の目的  星野富弘氏の描く詩画の作品を愛してくださる方の集まりとし、星野富弘氏の作品を多くの方に紹介し、作品を通して人々に勇気と希望を与え 元気づけるお手伝いをする。また身体障害者の方々の援助団体を支援をする事を目的とします。

会員 会の目的に賛同、協力してくださる方を対称とし、定められた会費をおさめる事とします。

例会 年2回とします。富弘さんの作品を紹介します。

会報  囲む会たよりの発行

事務局 Tomihiro Museum Association of L.A.
c/o Shibata
455 E. 3rd Street #1617
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tel: (213) 265-7556
E-mail: tomihiro.friends.usa@gmail.com

Our Mission

Our organization:
The Tomihiro Museum Association of L.A. was founded in 1999 as the first overseas branch of the Tomihiro Art Museum in Japan which has 23 branches throughout Japan. After the very successful "Tomihiro in LA Exhibit" in 2001, it was incorporated as a nonprofit organization in California under the Tax Code of 501(c)3; therefore, donations to this organization are tax deductible.

Our purposs:
The purpose of the organization is to introduce Tomihiro Hoshino's works to the world, thereby inspire and to give courage and hope to a wider population. The association consists of people who have been touched by Tomihiro's works and believe in sharing this love and hope with as many people as possible. The organization also supports other organization's efforts to help physically disabled people gain dignity and develop their abilities.

Our membership:
Membership is open to anyone who believes in our purpose. There are two annual meetings in which Tomihiro's new works and updated information are introduced. The meetings are very
informal and his books, cards and calendars are always available. Membership Fee is $20.00 annually and include free addmission to the Tomihiro Art Museum in Japan. Member receive a quarterly newsletter from the Tomihiro Art Museum in Japan and periodic newsletters from us.

How to contact us:
Tomihiro Museum Association of LA
c/o Shibata
455 E. 3rd Street #1617
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tel: (213) 265-7556
E-mail: tomihiro.friends.usa@gmail.com